Civil engineering exam questions
Civil Engineering Exam Course

The CE Exam course is our 3-month course. Its purpose is to show prospective students the overall structure of our courses and the different types of resources that we offer.


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Civil engineers design, build and supervise infrastructure projects and systems. This course contains one of the web's largest repositories of high-quality Civil Engineering Exam questions. In addition, this course includes:

  • Now fully updated for the exam period.
  • 95% pass rate - we ask all our students to come back and fill out our survey once they have taken the exam.
  • Access all areas - in addition to 100's of questions, subscribers get access to texts covering the FOE syllabus.
  • Money-back guarantee - if you fail your exam we will give you a refund on your purchase.
  • Innovative question system - questions which are graded automatically with detailed feedback which enables you to track your progress.
  • Maths - Geometry, Calculus, Vectors. Probability and Statics - Regression, SD, Probabilities. Chemistry - Nomenclature, Periodic Table, States of Matter. Computers - Terminology, Spreadsheets. Ethics and Business - Engineering economics, Contracts. Dynamics and Engineering Mechanics. The strength of materials - Material science. Material Properties - Chemical, Electrical, Mechanical. Fluid mechanics - Flow, Statics. Electricity and Magnetism - Charge, Electrical Circuits. Thermodynamics - Cycles, Gases. Phase change.
  • Recommended reading - this course contains a full list of reviewed further learning materials.

Last modified: Monday, 11 March 2024, 10:59 PM